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Discover the Blueprint for the Time Space Energy Matrix that we call Reality.

Alchemy, the Science of Enlightenment & Ascension

Manifestation the transmutation of Energy/Consciousness into physical matter

Astro-theology, connecting Heaven & Earth, creating the Crystal Consciousness Grids.

The Language of Light, manifesting the Creator within

Sacred Numerology

Sacred Geometry & the Merkaba the Light Body

The Cosmic Keys & Thoth the Master of the Mysteries

Opening the Third Eye the Star Gate

within, the portal to Ascension

The 7 days of Creation and the 7 Universal Laws & Principals

Activate the Flower of Life within, Light Body & DNA Activations.

Learn to draw the Flower of Life from Seed to Metatrons Cube.


"They that are guided go not astray, but they that are lost cannot find a straight path. If thou go among men, make for thyself, Love, the beginning and end of the heart". - The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, Tablet lll The Key of Wisdom.


"And Death is not real, even in the Relative sense — it is but Birth to a new life — and You shall go on, and on, and on, to higher and still higher planes of life, for aeons upon aeons of time. The Universe is your home, and you shall explore its farthest recesses before the end of Time. You are dwelling in the Infinite Mind of the ALL, and your possibilities and opportunities are infinite, both in time and Space. And at the end of the grand cycle of aeons, when the ALL shall draw back into itself all of its creations, you will go gladly, for you will then be able to know the Whole Truth". - Three Initiates: The Kybalion: A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy




Compass for drawing circles (it is worthwhile investing in a good compass)
Notebook for taking notes
A4 & A3 paper
Pens & Pencils
Eraser & Ruler
Colored pens/markers/pencils



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